Description of the Railway Scale
TRAPPER DRS electronic railway scales are designed for dynamic weighing of wagons. The individual wagons of the train set are weighed fully automatically when the train set crosses the weighbridge. TRAPPER DRS railway scales are suitable wherever fast commercial weighing of wagons, both with solid and liquid loads, is required.
- Fast, accurate and reliable commercial weighing
- Fully automatic weighing in motion
- Extremely fast installation without on-site concreting
- Maintenance-free operation
- Automatic OCR system for recognition of wagons and containers
- Design approved by railway authorities in the field of installations within the railway network as well as on company sidings
- Modular system
- Intrinsically safe EEx-i option
Specifications of the Dynamic Railway Scale
TRAPPER DRS single weighbridge system is designed (with a short weighbridge of 4,5 m to 6 m) for dynamic weighing of wagons with solid cargo. Each wagon of the train set is weighed bogie by bogie method when crossing the weighbridge.
TRAPPER DRS multi weighbridge system (with two to four weighbridges) is primarily used for weighing of tankers with liquid cargo in motion. Weighing of tanker is performed when the wagon is alone on corresponding combination of weighbridges. The result of the weighing does not depend on the change of the tanker’s centre of gravity during weighing. These scales can be always used for static commercial weighing of wagons with solid and liquid cargo.
TRAPPER DRS scales are characterized by the very low construction height of the structure installed in the track. The modular design allows for an optimal composition of individual weighbridges to take into account the spectrum of weighed wagons.
TRAPPER DRS dynamic railway scales are available in two versions. The first version has compact steel foundation frame. The second version has prefabricated reinforced-concrete foundation. Both versions are laid directly on compacted gravel bed.
Both concepts allow for extremely fast installation with minimal costs of construction readiness without on-site concreting. The proven design and electronics of the scale not only allow excellent dynamic weighing results, but also high crossing speeds.

Technical Specification of the Dynamic Railway Scale
Weighbridge: a steel structure with a module length of 4.5 m to 10 m. The number and length of the weighing modules depends on the range of wagons to be weighed, or on the method of dynamic weighing – bogie by bogie or as a whole.
Weighing method: in motion – dynamically by both pulling and pushing and statically.
Weighing speed: up to 15 km/h.
Weighing capacity: 100–160 tons.
Weighing accuracy: static according to EN 45501 – accuracy class III / dynamic according to OIML R106 – accuracy class 0,5(0,2) (for multi-weighbridge scales), class 1(0,5) (for single-weighbridge scales).
Type approval number: FI 18.MI006.07.
Variants: TRAPPER DRS with a steel compact foundation frame (total height 620 mm) / TRAPPER DRS with a prefabricated reinforced-concrete foundation (total height including foundation 750 mm).
Installation method: on a compacted gravel bed without on-site concreting.
Crossing speed: up to 35 km/h.

Optional Scale Accessories
- Automatic control and evaluation of side and axle loads
- Data-processing software ScalexPC
- Comprehensive software system for the management of company siding
- Wireless data transfer to the remote operator workplace
- Visualization of the weighbridge area
- Placement of the weighing electronics in the outdoor/indoor control cabinet
- Automatic OCR system for recognition of wagons and containers
- Wagon RFID recognition system
- Integration of the scale into the company’s ERP system
- Intrinsically safe EEx-i option
Other Railway Scales