Railway Scale Description
SilverPoint is a modern automatic dynamic railway weighing system for weighing of train set and wagons and for monitoring of their other load parameters. The system is available both in a technology version and in a commercial-use version (type-approved measuring device for commercial purposes).
Advantages of SilverPoint Railway Scale
- dynamic weighing system for measuring the weight of a train and wagons and for checking the lateral and longitudinal overloading of individual wagon in motion
- scale suitable also for checking errors caused during wagon loading
- excellent accuracy, type-approved measuring device
- very easy to install, no disruption to the transport operations
- suitable for both commercial and technological weighing
- possibility of connection to Tamtron OCR system for recognition of wagons and containers
Specifications of SilverPoint Railway Scale
SilverPoint dynamic scale for commercial use measures individual wagons weights and the total weight of the train set in commercial quality according to OIML R106. In addition, the system is also capable of detecting incorrectly-loaded wagons, both longitudinally and laterally, as is the case with the technology version of the SilverPoint scale.
SilverPoint dynamic scale for technological purposes is capable of monitoring and measuring wagon weight parameters such as axle and bogie loads, and of measuring its total weight. The system also provides the total weight of the train set being weighed and the speed at which the weighing was carried out. In addition, the system compares the weights of the wagon bogie to detect incorrectly loaded wagons, both longitudinally and laterally.

Fully Automatic Weighing System
SilverPoint dynamic scale can operate in a fully automatic mode without the need for scale operator intervention, or as a classic operator-controlled railway dynamic scale.
In the automatic mode, the weighing data is transferred from the scale to the user’s superordinate system which further processes it according to the user’s need and purpose.
In the case of a standard weighing performed by the operator from their PC, the scale is equipped with the data-processing and operator user software ScalexPC – railway scale with all standard functions such as databases of customers, wagons, materials or products, etc. The system enables the printing of not only weight tickets, but also various reports defined by the user.

Scale Installation
SilverPoint scale can be installed quickly and easily without the need for any civil works modifications or interference to railway gravel bed. Load sensors are installed directly into the rails of all standard types without the need to cut the rails. The track into which the scale is installed should meet the manufacturer’s slope and flatness requirements. The scale’s measuring electronics, including an industrial computer with analysis software, are located either in a separate outdoor cabinet next to the tracks, or in a cabinet inside any nearby building, depending on the customer’s requirements.
The installation is carried out without the need to interrupt the operation on the railway track; no track closure is required. Typically, the total installation time is three days. The installation of the scale itself, including the electronic parts and static calibration, takes two days. On the third day, dynamic calibration is performed with reference train set.
SilverPoint Dynamic Railway Scale Technical Specification
Weighbridge: sensors installed into a rail.
Weighing capacity: 40 t / axle.
Division: e = d = 100 kg.
Weighing range: 1 t – 40 t for a single axle.
Max. weighing speed: 20 km/h.
Min. weighing speed: 1 km/h.
Crossing speed: unlimited.
Wagon types: all standard wagons.
Weighing accuracy*): maximum permissible error of 2%(1%) for an individual wagons and of 1%(0,5%) for the entire train (total weight of the train set) depending on the quality of the track in front and behind the scale.
Type approval: EC-Type Examination Approval number TCM 128/15 – 5310.
Rail type: all standard railway rails such as S49, R60, R65, etc.
Operating temperature: -30ºC to +40ºC.
Supply voltage: 230 VAC/50Hz.
Interface: RS232.
Computer network: LAN, WLAN.
Protection class: measuring sensors – IP67, electronics – IP55.
*) The scale in the commercial weighing version can only be used for weighing solid cargo, not liquid cargo.