Yara Suomi Oy manufactures and markets fertilizers, and products for environmental protection and industrial applications. The company was founded in 1905 to alleviate famine in Europe. Today, Yara is a global company employing more than 15 000 people and selling its products in more than 160 countries. Yara Finland’s Uusikaupunki plant signed a service agreement with Tamtron for scales a few years ago. Yara’s production processes and the high-quality requirements of the end products require numerous scales to operate with impeccable precision under demanding conditions.
The maintenance contract brings peace of mind and reliability
Panu Ahrnberg, Maintenance Manager at the Uusikaupunki plant, is pleased with the service agreement with Tamtron (Tamtron’s Lahti unit, formerly known as Lahti Precision): “As a scale expert, Tamtron knows exactly what affects the weighing accuracy of the scales. They also provide us with a report after scheduled maintenance, summarising the performance of the scales and recommending any further maintenance or replacement of weighing components. This contributes to improving the predictability of maintenance at our plant,” says Ahrnberg.
Jari Brandt, vice president for Tamtron’s service business, says the company aims to increase the number of preventive maintenance contracts: “This will benefit us in improving operational efficiency, but above all, it will benefit our customers, who will gain operational reliability for their equipment. This will allow our customers to focus more on developing their core processes.”
Scales keep up with current requirements
Tamtron maintains the equipment with three different service packages according to customers’ needs. The service, provided by the equipment supplier, eliminates interface ambiguities regarding weighing legislation, communication interfaces and the tasks of the different systems. The supply chain operates efficiently and without interruption and evolves as a whole. Tamtron is also responsible for ensuring that laws and regulations are complied with and that scales always meet today’s requirements for both equipment and services.
In addition, annual scheduled maintenance and triennial periodic inspections of scales and other equipment ensure the efficient use of scales.
“Our aim is a true partnership, where the service will continue to be developed in an agile way together with our customers. This is why we recommend a monthly invoice service,” Brandt concludes.
Tamtron acquired Lahti Precision’s business in 2023 and will continue to operate under the Tamtron brand.

Guide to designing scales and weighing systems
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