Conveyor systems for the paper and forest industry

Tamtron conveyor systems offer comprehensive solutions for the paper and board industry. As a supplier with a long history, Tamtron specializes in automated material handling, such as pulp bale conveyors and broke conveyors. Conveyor systems help to enhance productivity and increase production capacity. They also improve occupational safety. At Tamtron, you get a complete design, manufacturing, installation, and maintenance service.

Our satisfied customers include some of the industry’s most significant players, such as UPM, Valmet, Metsä Board, Stora Enso, Delfort Group, Sappi, and many other major companies in the paper, board, and pulp industry.


  • Occupational safety improves
  • High-quality and long-lasting solutions
  • Enhanced productivity and increased production capacity
  • The working environment is cleaner, more environmentally friendly, and fire-safe
  • Personnel resources are saved with the help of an automated conveyor line
  • Fewer production interruptions
  • Regular maintenance, periodic inspections, and original supplier spare parts ensure efficient and safe production

Pulp conveyors and lines for pulp production in paper and board mills

Tamtron’s pulp bale conveyors are widely used in paper and board mills for their pulping needs. Replacing manual lines with an automated pulp conveyor line significantly saves personnel costs. The automated dewiring machine also increases occupational safety.

Tamtron supplies robust conveyors for high-tonnage bales. The equipment is designed for continuous operation in the process industry. The oldest conveyor lines supplied by Tamtron have been in continuous operation for almost 30 years. The equipment is designed for forklift loading, so the chains are protected from bale clamps. Regular maintenance, periodic inspections, and original equipment spare parts ensure efficient and safe production throughout the line’s life.

A pulp bale line can include chain and slat conveyors, crossing stations, pin unloaders, and automatic wire unwinders for large bales.

Tamtron's broke conveyor rollers for the paper industry

Specialist Konrad Vuollo demonstrates the rollers that will be delivered to Germany. The project involves converting a paper machine into a board machine. The rolls will come on a more extensive core conveyor with a length of 10 metres.  

Broke conveyor for paper and board machines

The broke conveyors feed reject paper or board into a pulper, from which reject is re-extracted for production. Broke conveyors are installed underneath the machine, ensuring the falling reject is transferred to the pulper, and the material is returned to use. This prevents the accumulation of rejects on the machines, which could reduce their drivability.

Using an automatic broke conveyor reduces the need to stop machines by eliminating the need to manually remove the reject from under the machine. This improves work safety and saves valuable production time. At the same time, potential production stoppages and the resulting financial losses are avoided. Automation also significantly improves factories’ overall cleanliness, increasing fire safety.

The broke conveyor brings new opportunities for a company that is operating responsibly. With more efficient and safer transfer of falling reject to the pulper, there is no unnecessary waste, and the reject can be recycled for reuse in paper production. Equipment tailored to the premises and customer needs can be made to operate in a sustainable, energy-efficient, and material-recycling way.

Broke conveyor models

  • High-speed broke conveyors for paper and board machines (width 1.0 m – 10.0 m)
  • Slow broke conveyors for paper and board machines (width 4,0 – 11,0 m)

Tamtron's broke conveyor for the paper industry

Experts Konrad Vuollo and Pekka Huusko inspect a broke conveyor under construction. The conveyor will be delivered to Germany for a project to convert a paper machine into a board machine. The conveyor transports the reject board under the machine to bring it back into production. The conveyor is one of the smallest broke conveyors supplied by Tamtron.