Metsäsairila Oy is a waste management company owned by the City of Mikkeli in South Savo, whose primary task is to organise waste management under the Waste Management Act, which is the municipality’s responsibility. The company operates a sorting and recycling centre and three small waste collection stations. In 2021, the Kieppi recycling hall, which serves both consumer and business customers, was completed in the area and has sorting points for different types of waste. The centralisation of waste management increased material flows, and the company needed efficient, modern weighing solutions to manage them smoothly.
Tamtron supplied Metsäsairila with a new truck scale for weighing HCT vehicles, while the older truck scale was modernised to meet current requirements. The company’s previous weighing system had reached the end of its useful life, and with the purchase of the scales, the company wanted to upgrade to a new, more modern solution. The scales and the three wheel loaders in the area were connected to Tamtron’s mScales digital weighing service, giving the company greater flexibility and resource efficiency.
New truck scales and digital weighing service
Metsäsairila operates two Tamtron truck scales. The new three-bridge HCT scale is located on the site on arrival, so traffic is smooth for all parties involved. Larger loads arriving at the recycling station often pass through the weighbridge to the hall for waste sorting or directly to the site’s benches. The long weighbridge also allows so-called super-long trucks to be weighed in a single stop, which considerably speeds up the weighing process.
Tamtron also supplies the truck scales previously purchased on the site. The truck scale was modernised to meet current needs and requirements and connected to the mScales digital weighing service. The truck scales removed the physical terminals used by the drivers, leaving only long-life concrete bridges, sensors and high-quality horizontal electronics on-site, which reduces failures and increases the reliability and efficiency of the truck scales. mScales also reduces the need for manual work, as the load is weighed by the driver. This frees up the operator’s time for other tasks and minimises the risk of human error.

mScales improves efficiency at the recycling station
Another significant benefit for the company is the mobile weighing enabled by the mScales service. Mobile weighing frees up weighing operators’ working time for other tasks and allows drivers to perform weighing independently on their mobile devices. “The freed-up resource has been used for other tasks, so we have achieved cost savings,” says Olli Siekkinen, Operations Manager at Metsäsairila.
With the gate control function included in the mScales add-on modules, the gates of the recycling area can be opened remotely. The loader driver can also perform gate control directly from the cabin, using mScales as a mobile system. The gate control system has enabled flexible opening times and guaranteed smooth movement in the recycling area. Especially in winter, when the recycling area’s driveways are clear of snow, smooth movement around the area is essential.
The weighbridge also serves as a marketplace for Metsäsairila, as the company sells the weighing service to other companies. The weighbridge is located on a public road, so the location is logical only for the cars that come to the weighbridge. External weighers visit the area, and mScales enables the company to offer weighing services to them as well. “We can provide our standard suppliers with weighing codes. This frees up access to the site and means that deliveries are not tied to our opening hours,” Siekkinen sums up.
The electronic transfer document required by the Finnish Ministry of the Environment in 2022, certified with electronic signatures, can also be easily obtained from mScales. Separate paper printouts will no longer be needed, and the data will be transferred to the authority register up-to-date and error-free.
The continuous development of mScales helps customers
The choice of mScales was influenced by the constant development of the digital weighing service.
“As a municipal operator, we naturally have to consider the choice of different suppliers. We chose mScales because I was impressed by their customer service and sales. I felt the business was right for us and had confidence in the project. In my role as contact person, our cooperation has been flexible. mScales also has the advantage of a constantly evolving service.
The mScales team has a dedicated contact person assigned to us to facilitate communication. He knows our needs and problems and can answer our questions quickly. Our long experience with Tamtron tipped the scales in your favour, so to speak!” sums up Siekkinen.
A service contract increases the reliability and lifetime of your scales
Tamtron also offers Metsäsairila a continuous maintenance service that considers the life cycle of the weighing equipment. At its best, a truck scale provides reliable service throughout its long life cycle, while the longevity of a scale requires regular maintenance and certification.
Metsäsairila has ensured the efficient operation of its truck scales throughout its life cycle using a service and maintenance agreement. The agreement leaves the responsibility for scheduled maintenance, inspections, verification and calibration to Tamtron’s experts without the need to worry about the availability of spare parts.
Tamtron acquired Lahti Precision in 2023. The business will continue to operate under the Tamtron brand.
Guide: Maximize efficiency and accuracy with truck scale software
Truck scale software provides a solution that allows businesses to improve their operations and make more informed decisions by collecting, processing, and analysing truck-scale data.
Tamtron mScales – Digital weighing service
Maximise efficiency of your operations with Tamtron mScales.

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